Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Tonight, I submitted an application for an Americorps-type program for next year. It's the first thing I've done that actually might have some impact on life after graduation! Which is a really strange thought. I feel shockingly mature. And calm yet excited at the same time. Also, today I got the first email telling me all about commencement. I clicked on the link in the email and found out that there is a countdown - to the seconds (though I think that's slightly off). As of right now, there are only 101 days till I graduate! Whoa.

I also feel really really awake and energized now, like I want to take on the whole world because I can do anything right now, anything at all. And when I do that anything, I will do it fantastically, better than anyone else could ever do it. It'll be pretty epic.

(I really hope I get accepted into this program.)

The only real question now, other than waiting for a response, is what to do with this excess energy. Homework? That sounds way too boring and still. Exercise? The gym is closed and my roommates are going to bed, so sprinting up and down the stairs seems like an unkind idea. Clean my room? Unorthodox but definitely overdue. Too bad we don't have broomball tonight.

Sorry for yesterday's depressing post. I feel much better today (clearly). After all, everything happens for a reason, and everything that's meant to happen will happen in its own time.

Besides, the dental hygienist actually complimented the clean state of my teeth this morning. I think it was the first time I've ever avoided the "You really should floss more" lecture!

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